'Backwards' account migration from sPanel > cPanel

Ed H-B shared this idea 3 years ago
Open Discussion

As a new Scalahost customer about to migrate an old hosting account from cPanel, it would be great to have the reassurance that a sPanel account can also be 'backwards' migrated from sPanel to cPanel, if ever needed. Particularly in a commercial context where the decision over which hosting is used is not made by the web administrator, but by a business owner who has other criteria for which hosting they want to use. This is a strong sales USP IMHO.

36 votes

Comments (9)


I agree, backwards compatibility should be seamless.


Is a must. If this happens, it will just make SPanel stronger


We needed this feature. Sometimes, when the client wants to use some additional features that do not exist inside the SPanel, like multiple languages, Arabic, Spanish, etc., they want to switch to a Cpanel to use these features; in that case, we are in trouble by manually moving the website toward them. We need a connection between the SPanel and Cpanel Via FTP to make this process easy to automate the migration of required files, MySQL, and emails. So there will be no chance to waste most of our time just for this migration. I have gone into details to make sure what we needed. Rest it's up to you @Vlad.


Hi Ali. We now support all those languages so this shouldn't be an issue anymore however I agree with you that it will be nice to have an option to move to cPanel if needed. The priority here is not high though as we rarely see someone moving back to cPanel these days, maybe 1 out of 1000+ websites, and we want to focus on building more exciting features so you have everything you need in SPanel. Is there anything specific you are currently missing except this backwards account migration?


No I don't see this need anymore because SPanel support all the required languages now. 


Agree, but it needs improvement like when you export from SPanel to CPanel it does not have the same clean impact as doing it from Cpanel to Spanel.

SPanel behaves incredibly well, at least for me, no need to move to CPanel, but what if one of your projects needs to move to a CPanel, that's extra work and this is why it will make things easier. Freedom to move to whatever my choice will be. That will make SPanel greater and competitive outside ScalaHosting


Hard agree with Jorge. The reason my client didn't choose Spanel despite the favourable Spanel pricing was to avoid building themselves into a corner if for some reason they ever wanted to migrate back to Cpanel. Allow users/stakeholders the freedom to come or go and many more will come.


That would be fantastic and SPanel would be an elite management panel at a very affordable price. It would displace cPanel’s hegemony.


This and generic S3 backups would go a long way to make spanel real alternative to cpanel 

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