Firewall Manager's Allow/Deny list is not sorting correctly by IP Address or Date

Stefan Muth shared this idea 7 months ago
Open Discussion

I was having trouble finding IP blocks that I had just added, then I discovered why.

Sorting by Date example:

14.06.2024, 20:05:29
13.07.2024, 22:45:23
12.11.2023, 04:43:09
11.06.2024, 08:28:48

The problem is that the dates are being treated as STRINGS, not dates.  Sure, the 12th of the month comes after 11th... but July (07) does not come after November (11) and 2023 does not come after 2024!

The solutions are either:

1) Sort the "ADDED ON" column as a DATE-TIME object, not as a string


2) Reformat the date from DD-MM-YYYY format to YYYY-MM-DD format

would suggest reformatting the date in any case, because DD-MM-YYYY
format is European and MM-DD-YYYY format is American, which can be
confusing since you have clients from both locations.

Sorting by IP Address example:

Again, IP addresses are being treated as STRINGS instead of numbers.  80 is greater than 78, but 72 is not greater than 193 unless you do a string comparison!

👉 This is very confusing and frustrating when trying to locate a specific Allow/Deny in a long list.

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