JetBackup Integration

GDPR GDPR shared this idea 4 years ago
Open Discussion

As a website owner I want to be able to use JetBackup. Please integrate it in SPanel.

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Comments (32)


Hi Nikolay. Which features in the SPanel backups functionality are you missing? I think it will be more useful if we just develop those so you can use them for free rather than paying for a 3rd party software.


Hello Vlad,

I have used Jetback up on Cpanel and DirectAdmin and one is able to schedule hourly, daily and weekly backups as well as restore a single email r file from backups from a remote back up server. Can Spanel backup plugin achieve that considering your license will be public soon and clients will have production servers at different locations from their back up servers and they still want to achieve what jetbackup does?


Absolutely. Why not? Do you also use multiple backup destinations e.g local backups + rsync remote backups? Restoring a single email, email message, file, directory or database is available in SPanel at the moment. We don't have multiple destinations in the GUI yet however that's available in the API and it is just a matter of time to add it to the GUI. So, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly backups. Do you need anything else?


An improved backup system is now in development. Users will be able to configure both local and remote backups with options for hourly, daily, weekly and monthly backups. Users will be able to choose on which hours and days backups will be generated and how many recovery points to keep from each type of backups. Both local and remote backups will be incremental to save on disk space. Users will be able to disable backups for specific users or/and individual databases. With this new and improved backup system we don't need to integrate JetBackups as you will have all of the backup features for free and in the future we will be able to build new and more exciting features that fit your needs.


Hi Vlad! How is the coding for this coming along? I just had the same question for support in hoping that JetBackup would be supported in the future and he directed me to this feature request area and I found this.  I like the sound of what you are doing! Knowing how close you are with this would be helpful for us to know how to handle the single backup we will have when we move over to ScalaHosting, or if we pay more, up to 7 backups.. so obviously JetBackup is a lot more functional than that. What you outlined though with your new features definitely competes and sounds great!


Hi Rick. Thanks for joining us! The backend API is ready and we are working on the integration of the backup system in the SPanel graphic interface. This is a big project and will take some time. I can't give an ETA but I hope we can get close to releasing it in the next 3 months.

Integrating JetBackup or any other backup system is actually much easier but that means we are telling all SPanel users they have to pay extra to have a more advanced and feature rich backup system, and ultimately I don't want that to happen. I want SPanel to bring value to the developers and the website owners. Using SPanel must be enough for every website owner to get everything they need to manage the hosting of their website without paying extra and without having to rely on more companies. It's simpler, cheaper and more effective for the webmaster/website owner. That's where all the value must go. What do you think? Do you agree?


Dear Vlad,

A Big Thanks And We Agree On This . it may take some time, but as you say earlier, we don,t want to rely on more companies. We want all features to be developed by the SPanel team so we can get maximum performance without paying anything extra to third parties. Keep it up



Hi Vlad, yes I do agree. Since Im a developer myself there is also a benefit to being able to install 3rd party code that they continue to update without any work on my part so that I can focus on other features.   For example.. instead of developing my own SPanel, I can then spend my time on customizing it or adding new features to it while getting the benefit of the SPanel team continuing to work and improve the product :)


This is good news. Integrating jetbackup will be a game changer. The new jetbackup 5 is very robust and powerful and it doesn't cost much. Just $5.95 USD per month


Hi Khushi. We are not integrating JetBackup. We are building the functionality of JetBackup in SPanel so that everyone may enjoy it at no additional cost.


That's A Great Idea & A Free Way.

When Will This Feature Available At SPanel?


We are in the QA/testing phase so I expect to release it in the next ~30 days.


Happy to hear that this one is ready can't wait to test it out. 

  • Waiting ..


Will it support incremental backups and also backblazae as a backup location?


Hi. In the first release it will support incremental local and incremental remote backups via rsync. On the next stage we will start adding more options for remote backup storage providers such as AWS S3 and any other with enough demand. We are still working on the QA of the new and improved backup system and it will take 2-3 more weeks maybe as we want to make it very easy to use. All the functionality was already developed and tested.


Hi Vlad, I just got the email about the new features of SPanel and I saw the backup part and so I checked it out in our SPanel and I then just re-read what you said 3 weeks ago (the message above this one) and Im not seeing the incremental backups? Unless by default it is incremental? Since it doesn't say incremental Im guessing it is full backups?  Although it doesn't matter at this point since we use Wasabi which is an S3 type authentication and so far it looks like it is key based that you provide. Anyways, anymore insight on this would be helpful! Thanks!


Hi. That's right. We pushed the update yesterday. All rsync backups (local and remote) are incremental by default. On the next phases we will implement support for encrypted backups (symmetric and asymmetric) and add more remote storage options such as S3 and whatever are mostly used.


Amazon S3 is now supported in the SPanel API and will be added to the GUI in the next couple of months. If someone needs S3 backups configured, we can do that manually just contact us.


Hello. Any update on Jetbackup Integration? 
Indeed other s3 storage gives option for backup. But jetbackup gives option to individually restore 1 file or database. Thats something other s3 cannot provide. I would have to restore full backup just to fix 1 problem.


Please remove it from Completed as its not integrated. Jetbackup is different and the S3 you have added in backups does not support what jetbackup supports. so this feature should not be in completed.

Thank you


I changed the status back to Open Discussion because you are right that JetBackup was not integrated however the functionality for hourly, daily, weekly, monthly backups is available in SPanel and those features were the reason to request JetBackup. We prefer to develop the necessary functionality so people can use it for free in SPanel rather than having to pay for external software.

Nawaf, SPanel remote/local backups allow you to restore a single file or a database. You don't need another software to do that.


Thank you @Vlad. 
I understand. Even i was looking for a free source. But Spanel doesnt support Backblaze s3 or any other S3 provider.
Currently it supports only Amazon S3 so i am stuck here.
Plus i dont have any external server where i can take remove backups. My only solution for now is to either upload on Backblaze or Contabo or do it anywhere via jetbackup as they support Backblaze API


I tried to integrate Backblaze however their API was not working as documented and when I contacted their support for help, they were pretty inadequate in their responses. That didn't look professional and I didn't want people using SPanel to go through the same headaches with Backblaze support. By the way, JetBackup no longer provide support for Backblaze. Here is what they said about it: "As an unsupported destination - we do NOT recommend using
Backblaze B2 as a destination and will no longer provide any technical
support for issues that directly involves Backblaze B2".

I think you have 3 options.

1) Configure local backups in
SPanel - if your local storage fails you will lose the backups as well
so this is not a reliable option

2) See if your server provider
can add an additional disk which we can mount as /backup and configure
local backups to be stored on that additional drive. This is a reliable

3) Get another server with enough disk space to use as a backup server in the same or another data center.



I get the strategy about ensuring own solutions for SPanel, and less integration with some popular technologies [some of which have now more or less become the industry standard], such as Jetbackup, Imunify360 and CloudLinux + CageFS. However, I personally think that allowing some freedom of choice, having own solutions but also integrating with the popular alternatives, would massively boost uptake of SPanel. Speaking as someone who's been in this industry since 2008.


Hi, Paul!

Thanks for your input! Glad to hear that we got so experienced people here! 

While I agree with you about the freedom of choice, I think that a decent backup system should be a basic part of every control panel for managing web servers and the user does not have to pay extra to manage backups.

JetBackup exists just because the backup systems of other control panels lack functionality. SPanel comes with a decent backup system which allows people to configure/manage local & remote hourly, daily, weekly, monthly backups and also download/restore them via the SPanel graphic interface. It works very well on thousands of servers and saves those people some ~$200,000 in licenses on monthly basis.

Whatever additional backup management features people using SPanel need, we'll gladly develop and let them use at no extra cost.

SPanel was born to disrupt the so called 'industry standard'.


Would you say that SPanel backup is as good or better than JetBackup?  While I agree that lower costs are definitely the goal, you'll have more adoption if people see that there is flexibility and allowing them to decide just how much they want to disrupt the "industry standard". Plus it allows you more features, faster while you work on exceeding the additional payment features.  So I would say that Im on the same page as Paul Masibo on this.


I agree with you, when viewed long term. However, I can imagine some potential users still  holding back from switching to SPanel as yet, because they're waiting for certain feature implementation before making the switch, probably because their clients largely rely on some of those features, or it simply makes their work easier. Anyway, I must say, huge credit to you, for making great strides, with rapid, robust development of the Product, and I concede, perhaps my comments would've had more weight earlier on, but, I'd still content that even now, if you were to integrate some of the 'industry standard' alternatives, you'd see a significant leap in your user numbers. Just my opinion.


I understand that there will be many people looking for a more affordable backup solution and SPanel must have an option for them. The cheapest backup solution which provides incremental backups is the Backblaze B2 storage which is now supported in the SPanel API.

Please open a ticket if you would like us to configure Backblaze B2 backups for any of your SPanel servers and mention how often you would like SPanel to push your data to your B2 backup storage e.g. every day or every 12 hours. You will need to provide the Backblaze bucket name, the key ID and the application key. 


I see SPanel backup don't have disaster recovery feature. Like if any server crashed and need to all data from backup. There is no option for restoring all accounts from admin panel after connecting the backup server.  With Jetbackup, we can connect the backup server to a new server and restore all accounts without creating new accounts and database. Which I found missing in the SPanel


+1 for jetbackup


Hello, Saleh! That is a good idea which we will implement.

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