Log list in each spanel account

Dave shared this idea 3 years ago
Open Discussion

Hi, I don't see the possibility to see the logs from the panel, it would be nice to see the error logs or access logs in the account panel, and maybe see the total logs for admins in the main account, is this a feasible request? it would be really very u

thanks davide

6 votes

Comments (1)


This would be an extremely useful feature: Show a list of all the
common log files (Apache, PHP, Exim, etc.) and once selected allow user
to watch (tail) the log to see what just happened or is happening.

Easy access to log files for those of us who don't know where to find
them; the ability to debug our own problems instead of contacting
Support each time (win-win for everybody).

In WHM you can achieve
this through the ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) feature,
which allows you to tail various logs, pause/restart, auto-refresh every
'n' seconds, and set how many lines you want to see.

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