More File Transfer Functions

Syst3mL1fe shared this idea 2 years ago
Open Discussion

Hi guys,

I would like to have more options on File Manager,

  1. Be able to move files, I dont mean to transfer to another account, I mean to be able to move files to another folder or something.
  2. Download not only from URL also from FTP, (if there is already a function like tha, please tell me.)
  3. Fix URL Downloader, it's a little buggy and can't always download the files.
  4. All little better Editor (Code Editor), right now we are only able to write everything normaly, but it would be better if it were able as an example to autocomplete some code (<html>  --> auto add </html>), second function is search to be able to search in the editor and the 3rd function would be a directory where we are able to see the other files and open it --- autocomplete function is only optional, because we are also able to edit code through FTP or SSH.
  5. Share Files with a link, it would be really nice if we were able to share some files. As an example press share file and then choose how long this link should be available, and also optionaly add a password.
  6. And the last function is a bug. The Folders show never the right file size. It's shows most of the folders in bytes but not the real size. As an example in my folder there are files in the size of 17GB, but it shows me that there are only 435Bytes.

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