Need to CLientExec/Any open source free Billing automation facility With SPanel

Md. Abdul Mannan shared this idea 2 years ago
Open Discussion

Dear Concern, We need in SPanel free open-source automation billing facility like ClientExec/Blesta or any other software for a small business owner like me.  It will very helpful for us to manage our customers. Like automatic reminder for renewal, Send to the due or paid invoice.

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Comments (4)


ClientExec integration with Spanel woul dbe fantastic, I was looking just for this today.


Blesta would be as well 


I contacted clientexec and they come back to me with this message below.   As a paying client of spanel If this is true it’s upsetting 

Hi Dan. I just wanted to follow up to let you know that we reached out to spanel to get a dev license to add this integration and they refused to work with us. With that being said it's really in their hands at this point if there is any integration.


Hello, Dan!

That is a shame. I would never reject a dev license to any company that wants to integrate their product with SPanel.

Would you please ask ClientExec to email me at and I'll joyfully provide them with a dev license right away?

Thank you so much, Dan! It will be fantastic to have a ClientExec integration and if it happens it will be mainly because of your contribution. Thank you!

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