Receiving email warnings when a server uses all its resources

ben shared this idea 2 years ago


I am sure this will be useful both for Scalhosting and its customers as it will help customer's manage their server upgrade in a more efficient way.

I have had multiple problems where customers' CPUs were running in the red causing their websites to be very slow(but all of this going unnoticed by our support). Most of the time due to locked MySQL queries.

It would be fantastic as an admin or sub-admin to be able to receive email warnings when either the CPU, RAM or DISK SPACE goes in the red for ie: more than 30 seconds(to stop continuous emails to be sent).

The report could include:

Server name

CPU usage %

RAM usage %

DISK usage %

Time of warning

Website causing this high load on the server/vps


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This would be a nice feature

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