Redis control

Juan shared this idea 3 years ago
In Progress

It would be a great addition to SPanel to allow full control on starting/stopping Redis.

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Comments (8)


It should implement per socket based connection. SO every home user have socket and unique database ID to avoid accessed by other user


We are going to develop an Object Cache Manager in the SPanel Admin Interface which will allow admins to install/manage Memcached and Redis. If someone has suggestions for specific features, please share so that we can add implement them too.


I used cloudpanel before switching to spanel. cloudpanel is more a personal control panel, if you dont want to give access to more users to your server... they implemented varnish  cache for each website hosted, and the ability to set the expiry time for the cache, the files and folders you want to exclude from caching, and the option to purge the entire cache or just for a specific zone of your site.


Redis is much more popular than Varnish but we will certainly add Varnish too if there is enough demand for it. I'd appreciate more feedback on what users expect to be able to do via SPanel with the Redis integration. That will help me plan it better and make sure everything that people need is added.


Having an ON and OFF monitor button would be nice for debugging:


Don't forget to add redis feature per user sir


We have started working on this feature request. Management of both Redis and Memcached will be available.


When it gonna fixed sir?

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