Remote backups to Onedrive, Google, dropbox or other repositories

jose oliva shared this idea 3 years ago
Open Discussion

It's very important that I can have this characteristics at my disposal, so I can backup external

46 votes

Comments (44)


Do you refer to the manual backups in the SPanel User Interface? Currently, you can generate a backup and choose to save it locally or on a remote ftp server.


To dropbox, drive, onedrive etc would be great. Many people have these storage providers but not a remote sFTP server...


It is posible via but that's 10 dollars a month...


review remote sFTP usage statistics for backups  

onedrive etc would be great


This is in progress. Users will be able to configure remote (ssh/rsync) incremental hourly/daily/weekly/monthly backups and specify how many recovery points to keep from each type of backup.


This is great news! Hope there is mysql backups too please as many customers would love to back up just their data every 6 hours for maximum security.


Yes, databases are also part of the backup system and you can have hourly mysql backups done locally or/and remotely.


Dear Vlad, 

Please clarify more information regarding this feature. After this update, we can set an auto backup to remote storage like Google Drive, mega one drive, etc. Is there only specific storage added in this update, or can we integrate almost every cloud storage?

Thank You


After this update, we can set an auto backup to remote storage like Google Drive, one drive.?

Any remote storage with SSH/Rsync will work. That's the most efficient way of generating incremental backups so that no storage space is wasted.

not long to go? i'm anxious

We are actively working on this. I can't provide an ETA yet however the end result will be a feature-rich and very powerful backup system at no additional cost for all SPanel users.

I am waiting for this too. Can you please make it compatible with Amazon S3? It would be awesome to be able to upload automatic backups to Amazon buckets.


Backblaze too please...


Great News, this is such an important feature. Can't wait for this to be available! Thanks


In the first release of the improved backups we will have local and remote incremental rsync hourly/daily/weekly/monthly backups. In the 2nd release we will add more remote storage options such as Amazon S3 and other popular storage options.


That's good.
How it will take to release the first release of improved backups module.

And what is the current progress?


Any updates on how soon it will be rolled out?


The improved backup system is in the QA/testing phase and we'll need 15-20 more days before the release.


Very Good!


We pushed the update yesterday. On the next phases we will implement support for encrypted backups (symmetric and asymmetric) and add more remote storage options such as S3 and whatever are mostly used.


A vote here for adding Dropbox 🙏


when rsync + Onedrive + Gdrive will be available at


Rsync local/remote backups are currently available and we are working on polishing and enhancing the backup system by adding encrypted backups, options for removing backup recovery points from both local & remote backups and also an option to lock backups in case you want to keep a specific backup recovery point a little longer. 


Are Rsync + OneDrive+GDrive local/remote backups currently available?


OneDrive and Google drive are not yet available. Rsync is available and it is the most efficient, powerful and popular tool for incremental local and remote backups.


Amazon S3 is now supported in the SPanel API and will be added to the GUI in the next couple of months. If someone needs S3 backups configured, we can do that manually just contact us.


Can Rsync be used with Google drive?


OneDrive and Gdrive, how is it going when we will have news?


The demand for those 2 is really low. We will firstly implement S3 in the GUI. Basically, 99% of the demand goes in rsync, ftp and s3 backups. When we see enough demand for OneDrive/GDrive, we'll plan their integration to the backup system.

Hello Vlad 👋

What does "enough demand" means? I have seen this request many times in a few posts in this plattform, and mostly every other backups system I know has backup options to OneDrive/GDrive. 


Hi Aaron. I meant that there were not as many people looking to use it as there are for features such as Docker integration, CPU/RAM/IO resource limits per account, reseller hosting, DNS clustering, websites migration tool, S3 backups. We'll work on those first and then we may look at implement GDrive backups.


the application was made by me and specifically talks about google drive and Onedrive and has 32 votes. and it is 2 years old. 


That's right. S3 backups were mentioned too and during my conversations with people using SPanel they mostly mentioned rsync and s3 backups and that's what we implemented so far. GDrive and Onedrive will also be added down the road however not immediately and not very soon because we are working on implementing the features I mentioned in my previous reply. We are also working on a big UX & design update which we plan to release in Q1 of 2024. 


How is this mark as completed when it's not? The title of this request specifically mentioned OneDrive, Google Drive. Please also allow backup to SFTP.


Hi. There are multiple features mentioned within this single request. Some of them were completed such as SSH/rsync, FTP, AWS S3 and others were not such as Google drive, Onedrive, Dropbox. The votes in this feature request are significant however most of them relate to ssh/rsync and AWS s3. That's why I changed the status to "Completed". I am changing the status back to "Open Discussion" however it may be best if we have a separate feature request for Google drive, Onedrive, Dropbox and any others you want to see supported in the SPanel's backup system. From what I've seen, over 90% of people use ssh/rsync for backups. Rsync and S3 allow incremental backups which are most efficient. Gdrive/Onedrive/dropbox are not that popular for websites/databases backups.


Hello Vlad, 

How to use Rsync or S3 from scalahosting spanel ? Do you have any doc ? 
Thanks you 


PS : I was first looking for backblaze but that's already ok (S3 and rsync), thanks


Hi Yoann. You need a backup server with rsync installed. Create a user on that backup server with BASH SSH access and then you may configure remote backups via the SPanel Admin Interface -> Manage Backups. If you see difficulties, please open a ticket with support and we'll gladly help.

Regarding Backblaze, their API didn't work at the time I tried to integrate them in SPanel, talked to their support but for some weird reason, they refused to help. S3 is more powerful though and you are better off without Backblaze if you ask me :)


It will be great to be able to backup at Hetzner storage boxes also


Hi, Pantelis!

Thanks for joining the SPanel Cloud Democracy Project! 

Would you please submit this as a separate feature suggestion? Thanks!


I have a Linux server running Ubuntu Server where I've mounted a virtual disk drive. This disk is a 1 TB OneDrive space. I use rclone to synchronize files. On the virtual disk, I have two folders: 'Desktop' and 'Downloads'. These are synchronized daily using a cron job I've set up. It works perfectly for backing up my files. Would it be possible to implement something similar in Spanel?


Absolutely! When the time comes, we'll look into this and find the most efficient way to implement it. Right now we are busy with a huge UX project to make the SPanel UI much more user friendly and easy to use. Then we'll implement the reseller hosting and CPU/RAM/IO resource usage management per user and somewhere around it will probably look into implementing Google drive backups if there is enough demand for it because right now we don't see it. Most people use remote rsync backups and here and there there are people using S3.


Google Drive backups are a high-demand

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