Reseller hosting

James shared this idea 2 years ago
In Progress


This is great for allowing customer a UI manging their VPS but also allowing shared hosting accounts to be sold. 

The thing is if we could offer Reseller Hosting very Simliar to WHM or Direct Admin Would take this software to the next level and allow this to be the shared hosting CP of choice! 


40 votes

Comments (31)

This is a really awesome option for us. Please consider this feature.

Agree. We should have this.


That i am and most looking


The reseller like whm interface should have highest priority bro.


I agree totally for reseller functions like plesk does


I'll share some statistics. 42% of the servers powered by SPanel host only 1 website, 25% host up to 5 websites and 26% host up to 30. Those stats show the reality that shared hosting is being actively replaced by the cloud where every important website runs on its own server and every online business has their own cloud VPS which gives them guaranteed resources, consistent performance and high security. Personally, I see the reseller hosting industry fading in the next 2 years. Hosting companies should focus on selling cloud if they want to stay in business. The best solution here is to replace every reseller hosting plan with a cloud plan where the person/business will have their own cloud VPS to sell hosting from rather than multiple resellers on a single VPS hosting hundreds of websites.


I agreed. But you know we haven't allowed the resale of your VPS server from our end on a single panel. We need this opportunity as well as give us to resell your VPS with customization. 


Yeah lots of people on my server, selling them a VPS would be complete overkill. 


Vlad, I can see where you're coming from with your stats. Here's my dilemma. I'm a small operation - 1 guy, me, running a dedicated (owned) server that currently has 202 cpanel accounts and over 300 websites in those accounts combined. I personally, need the ability to offer reseller options as I have several resellers currently that all manage their own services. Reseller options for me, is important... what are my options then?


Well, I can see where you're coming from, Matt and I will have to agree with you and everyone else who voted for this feature. At the end of the day, that's how SPanel was built - by listening to the people using SPanel and fulfilling their needs. That's why people like SPanel so much -> because it was basically built by them. I am changing the status of this feature request to Planned and we'll start working on implementing it in the next couple of weeks.

great news



Vlad - super happy to hear that the SPanel software will incorporate this! I think its a great move for you guys and will add more potential long term customers too! Thank you!


Matt, Rick, Md. Abdul Mannan, StartMotifMedia, Anthony, Hendra, Sunil, James,

with your activity, you guys got me so excited that I decided to dedicated my day today to this feature and I was able to complete it 100% in the SPanel API.

You'll be able to add new admin users in SPanel which you can set limits to related to how many accounts they can create, how much disk space they can allocate, enable/disable overselling, set custom nameservers.

Thank you so much for your collaboration and feedback to make SPanel better and especially James who actively provides feedback and communicates with me on Linkedin :)


I'love you!   Vlad      jajaja   


I am waiting for this feature and I hope it will be possible to sell reseller hosting with WHMCS module.



any progress update on this. 


Hi Rajesh,

The reseller functionality is ready in the SPanel API and it will be integrated into the graphic interface in the next couple of months as we have some more important features to complete before that.


I am eagerly waiting for this reseller panel option


Reseller functionality is very important. Please lunch immediately or share the lunching date.


Sir @Vlad

Reseller feature should done no more than 2 month sir.

Please dedicated your time to build more feature familiar like cpanel feature faster. I think many user want to use spanel


Hi @Vlad,

I wholeheartedly agree with @hendra's points. You need to prioritize the UI development and address rollout as soon as possible, preferably within the next two months.

 many users wil migrate from CPanel to SPanel.


Hi Tom!

Thanks for joining the Cloud Democracy Project here at! :)

I can't provide the exact ETA however reseller hosting along with the functionality to allocate custom CPU, RAM, IO limits per user are the features that will be developed next as they have the most votes here. 


I am also interested in Reseller 


Thank you @Vlad


Any updates on this? 


Hi Romeo. The reseller hosting functionality will be added along with the functionality to limit CPU/RAM resources for users once we complete the UX optimization project we are working on at the moment. I think ~6 months is the ETA estimate I can provide at this point. I believe that your resellers will greatly benefit if they just have their own servers with SPanel rather than multiple resellers sharing the same server. You may just sell them a smaller server like 2 CPU's, 2GB RAM and as much space as they need. The advantages of such a setup is huge compared to sharing resources on a single server.


Yes We really want Spanel to have the reseller option and have resellers managing their own packages and accounts, thanks


It's really need very urgent pls consider this option immediately 


I am also interested on this update - have a news?


The update is the same as the one I posted 3 months ago. Please see above.

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