Restore Manual Backup

Marcelo shared this idea 3 years ago

Sometimes we need to make some critical changes in files, so we make a backupof files before changes.

But we cannot restore the files by ourselves, we only could restore a daily backup by ourselves.

I think could be great if we could make a manual backup and restore any time we want

27 votes

Comments (16)


I agree. The desired function. I always used it when I was on another hosting.


This is a very important option



Hi Vlad,

You have the option to create a manual backup, but you do not have a option for that backup that was created to be restored  ??



This restore backup functionality you are asking about may be part of a much bigger enhancement/improvement of the backups section. I am thinking of the option each SPanel user to be able to set a schedule of local backups to be generated of the files, emails, databases with an option to browse and restore them via the User Interface.

Additionally, I am thinking of adding an actions button "Restore backup" next to each manually generated backup with options for the user to choose which parts of the backup they want restored - it can be files, emails or databases.

What do you think? Is there anything else that would be useful for you to have?


Hi Vlad,

Thanks for the reply,

I think what you wrote is great, 

Аdding an actions button "Restore backup" next to each manually generated backup, so that it makes sense to create a manual backup, of course the option with schedule of local backups is a great idea

Vlad, Agree With You.

This is now in progress as it is a feature within the new and improved backup system in SPanel which will allow servers admins to configure local & remote backups and set how many recovery points to keep on hourly, daily, weekly and monthly basis. The SPanel users will be able to browse and restore files/emails/databases from the configured backups from their SPanel User Interface.



does provide this but it would be nice to have this included in sPanel, please


We improved manual backups functionality in the new backup system which is under development and currently in the QA phase. SPanel users will be able to generate manual backups and select which folders/files/databases to be included in the manual backup and how long to keep that backup on the server before it is automatically removed. Users will also be able to restore specific files/folders/databases from each manual backup. Are we missing anything?


We pushed the update yesterday. You may now generate manual backups and also restore them. On the next phases we will implement support for encrypted backups (symmetric and asymmetric) and add more remote storage options such as S3 and whatever are mostly used.


Hello Vlad,

I have noticed that it is not possible to reload a full backup done with this manual backup update.




It is possible to restore a full backup generated via SPanel. If you see any troubles, please open a support ticket.


Hello Vlad,

This happened to me multiple times and your support told me that the manual backups we generate(you usually take one before an update for example), generates a backup that cannot be automatically reloaded via the Spanel. Instead you have to manually unzip the backup and replace all the files by hand as well as the database.

I have tried mutiple times, asked your support for help and each time they told me via livechat that manual backups have to be unzipped.

Last week it hapened again, I had taken a manual backup and could not get the restore going(no buttons showing under the manual backups), I could only have the restore going for a backup that was automatically taken by your system(the daily one). I asked for help last week and had the same reply, so I was forced to unzip all the files again.

Thank you,



Hi Ben. Glad to hear from you and thanks for your valuable feedback, as always. Very soon we will release functionality which will allow you to restore individual files/folders & databases from manually generated backups via the SPanel User Interface so I guess, stay tuned :) 

AWS S3 backups are also coming ...

Do you have any other brilliant ideas about other features in the backup system which would be useful for devs & website owners?


Hi Vlad,

I think it would be a valuable addition to the remote backup features if you could incorporate the following options(I know some are already included, I am just sending the whole list of idea at once, it is easier):


-Google Drive


Additionally, it would be beneficial to have the capability to schedule file and database backups separately on a different timeline. For critical websites, having the option to back up files every 6 hours and databases every 1 hour would be a highly desirable feature.

When it comes to local backups, it would be fantastic if users could restore the entire account or individual files or databases with a single click(rather than having to unzip the full backups manually).

Expanding the retention options would also be a significant improvement. For instance, being able to set database backups to "Keep only the last 24 backups" and file backups to "Keep only the last 12 backups" would be very useful too.

Furthermore, having files overwrite themselves periodically would ensure that we maintain a reasonable gap between the most recent backup and a potential issue(while not killing the SSD storage space).

Being able to remove certain folders from the backups would be top having too. For example, let's say you have a website that generates a lot of "on the fly wav files or images", not backing up these folders would save a lot of space and bandwitdh for remote backups for sure.

Especially with the AI buzz going around, a lot of sites will now generate very large folders packed with images and sound files(which are deleted via cron every 12 or 24 hours).

Thank you for considering these suggestions.

Best regards,



Hi, Ben!

Thanks for another list of great suggestions!

AWS S3 backups is already available in the API and we are going to integrate it into the GUI in the next couple of months. I can't say when because the demand is not high. I configured S3 backups for a couple of SPanel consumers though and SPanel pushes the data to S3 where you may set the retention policy and tones of other options that are included in the S3 features.

Running a different schedule for backups of files & databases is pretty rare. Usually, people would like to have everything backed up however if the demand comes, we'll gladly develop such functionality.

Restoring from local/manual backups is possible with 1 click via the SPanel User Interface -> Backups. You don't need to unzip/unarchive manually. It's all automated.

Excluding folders/files from being included in the backup is interesting and useful I think however the demand is not there yet. We'll gladly develop such functionality if there are enough people that need it. Due to the incremental backups which save tones of space, people prefer to backup everything just in case.

I don't see a reasonable demand for Google drive to add it as a backup storage option yet.

Regarding JetBackup, it will cost you extra and I think the backup software must be part of the web hosting management platform hence we prefer to develop the backup functionalities ourselves to best fit people's needs and save them money they can spend elsewhere (all features in SPanel are free to use).

Thanks again for your input & contribution, Ben!

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