Staging Push Update

guymc shared this idea 10 months ago
Open Discussion

When working in my staging website I would like to click a button to push all my updates from the Staging environnment to the live site.

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Cloudways have a similar feature that I used before switching and am now missing dearly. Where there is a staging feature that allows pushing and pulling to and from a staging site. It is agnostic to the type of site, Wordpress, custem PHP, laravel, whatever. It just copies the public_html folder contents across to a temporary staging domain. It also copies across the database too, but you can choose when pushing and pulling whether to copy just the public_html files, or just the database, or both at once. This is great for when working on apps where the data is likely updating regularly on the public app, so you can have the staging run on a static set of the real data that you can pull periodically to keep up to date.


We'll gladly develop that functionality once the demand increases. Right now, people need reseller hosting functionality, Docker integration, a migration tool which we are working on.

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