WHMCS integration with Spanel

Wycliffe shared this idea 3 years ago

WHMCS is a leading hosting platform for hosting automation. 

I would love having Spanel integrated with it, so as to avoid manual tasks. 

44 votes

Comments (27)


You want to be able to create, terminate, upgrade/downgrade, suspend, unsuspend accounts via WHMCS, right? Anything else?


Hi Vlad,  those options you've mentioned are already great addition. Just awaiting for that for me to fully offer this to my client.


hi  we cant to WHMCS integration with spanel

as my domain is 




Dear Vlad

WHMCS  is available to Spanel ?



There is no integration with WHMCS in SPanel yet. That's why we have this feature request with 14 votes only so far.


Please, we need to be able to manage the client on boarding process to the server automatically. it will save a lot of time and resistance if client could just sign up, pay and access spanel directly


WHMCS is good for manage our customers. So, please integrate this feature with our SPanel . Another thing is if you have any other customized web app like WHMCS for manage billing, SMS, or email sending option automatically when the expired date is very soon. It will make it very easier for us.

  1. Please add these features with SPanel as soon as possible. 

Hi Vlad 
its a must Feature , please add these. Having hard time managing customer and everyone loving the spanel already.

thank you


Hey Vlad , 

Its become a necessity now days . Kindly do what is needed. 



Dear Vlad, it is a much-needed module so far. Pls do whatever needed. Only this automated billing is pending. This is where it is stoping me to purchase the starter VPS plan. 


Spanel will never be complete without integration to a billing software. this is because its necessary, this has discouraged me from migrating to spanel.


We see the demand for WHMCS integration and this request is now planned to be developed in the next 3 months.


Vlad Thanks A Lot Appreciated :)

  1. Gracias por integrar whmcs con spanel 

That is okay. I will wait for the next 3 months when you have integrated WHMCS to move to you. Because I can't leave cpanel now because of WHMC, because I am a web hosting reseller. I hope you get it soon. Thanks


We've started working on the integration.


Hello Vlad,

Any update on integration yet?


The integration is ready. It will be announced along with a couple of other features in the next 7 days. I'll post an update here.


Hello Vlad,

Any update on integration yet?
I apologize for the delay. We are working on getting it announced until the end of this week.

This is now available in the latest version of SPanel which will be
updated to all servers in the next 7 days. The WHMCS integration plugin
was submitted to the WHMCS marketplace for public download and it is
also available for download from your client area. Please contact
support for any further questions.


Hello All,

Did anyone try yet? mine doesn't work. Not sure if I am missing something.

I download the module from WHMCS Market and uploaded it to my module folder in WHMCS. When I check all available add-ons it shows the BLANK module (no information) with Activate and Configures button. I configure and "Activated" but nothing happened. It won't show up on the list. 

Currently, I do have other modules configured and Activated, so I know how to add them, but It would be nice if there is small documentation about how to add and activate.

Thank you 


We are working in preparing the docs. I'll email you directly to review your issue.


Hello Vlad,

Any update?

You can download the module from https://marketplace.whmcs.com/product/6247-spanel-whmcs-server-module and install it. The configuration is also pretty straight forward. Please contact technical support if you need assistance.


Is WHMCS module development and updating supported? and are there any new plans for this module?

I guess the Spanel WHMCS module hasn't been updated since its first release. So how does it work now? Are there any problems with the module?

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